Genomic Science 2010 Awardee Workshop VIII and Knowledgebase Workshop
Crystal City, Virginia
February 7–10, 2010
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- Speaker abstracts: PDF
Welcome to the 2010 Genomic Science Contractor-Grantee and Knowledgebase Workshop. As the premier meeting for the Genomic Science program, this workshop brings together researchers supported by the program, representatives from the Department of Energy, and colleagues from other federal agencies.
The Genomic Science program—within the Biological Systems Science Division of the Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER)—supports fundamental research to achieve a predictive, systems-level understanding of plants, microbes, and biological communities through the integration of fundamental science and technology development. This program provides the foundation for biological solutions to DOE mission challenges, including energy, environment, and climate.
The program supports groundbreaking research by individual investigators, interdisciplinary research teams, user facilities such as DOE’s Joint Genome Institute and Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL), and the Bioenergy Research Centers. Over the past year, researchers in our program have developed new methods to image, sequence, characterize, and engineer microbial systems to meet DOE missions in energy and the environment.