Genomic Science Program
U.S. Department of Energy | Office of Science | Biological and Environmental Research Program

Systems Biology for Energy and the Environment

The Genomic Science program pursues fundamental research to understand, predict, manipulate, and design plant and microbial systems for innovations in renewable energy, insights into environmental processes, and biotechnological breakthroughs supporting the U.S. bioeconomy.

News & Funding

DOE Announces $36 Million to Support Energy-Relevant Research in Underrepresented Regions of America

Aug 26, 2024

DOE announced $36 million in funding for 39 research projects in 19 states via the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR).

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DOE Awards $7 Million for Bioimaging Research and Approaches for the Bioeconomy and the Environment

Aug 22, 2024

DOE Awards $7 Million for Bioimaging Research and Approaches for the Bioeconomy and the Environment

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DOE Announces $19.5 Million for Integrated Biological and Computational Low Dose Radiation Research

Aug 21, 2024

DOE announces $19.5 million in funding over 3 years for 14 projects on low-dose radiation.

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Gerald A. Tuskan Selected as 2024 Office of Science Distinguished Scientist Fellow

Aug 20, 2024

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced four national laboratory scientists as the 2024 DOE Office of Science Distinguished Scientist Fellows.

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FUNDING: DOE SCGSR Program 2024 Solicitation 2 Cycle

Aug 15, 2024

Applications for DOE's Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) program 2024 Solicitation 2 cycle due Wednesday, November 6, 2024, at 5pm ET.

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FY 2025 SBIR/STTR Phase I Release 1 Funding Opportunity Announcement

Jul 12, 2024

Topics for FY 2025 SBIR/STTR Phase I Release 1 Funding Opportunity Announcement have been issued

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DOE Accepting Applications: Undergraduate Internships for Spring 2025

Jul 11, 2024

Submit SULI and CCI applications by 5:00 p.m. ET on Wednesday, October 2, 2024.

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Providing the foundational genomics-based knowledge needed to produce and deconstruct renewable plant biomass and convert it to sustainable fuels, chemicals, and other bioproducts.

Biosystems Design

Accelerating the ability to securely design, build, and control plants and microbes for beneficial purposes such as clean energy, biomaterials, and carbon sequestration.

Environmental Microbiome

Developing a process-level understanding of how plant and soil microbial communities impact the cycling and fate of carbon, nutrients, and contaminants in the environment.

Select BRC Highlights

First demonstration of targeted gene editing in the bioenergy grass Miscanthus


Split Selectable Genetic Markers Enable Multi-Gene Plant Transformation


Soil Structure Influences Root Growth and Carbon Storage


Hybrid Biological and Chemical Process for Upcycling Mixed Plastics


Our Numbers

Budget FY21
Publications 2000-2023
Citations 2017-2021
Gigabases sequenced FY22
Researchers supported