Bioimaging Science Program

BER research complementary to the Genomic Science Program

Improving or developing new multifunctional, multiscale imaging and measurement technologies that enable visualization of the spatiotemporal and functional relationships among biomolecules, cellular compartments, and higher-order organization of biological systems.

map of funded locations
The Bioimaging Science Program within the DOE Biological and Environmental Research (BER) Program, sponsors research at national laboratories and universities that addresses grand challenges for biology. The program’s mission is to understand translation of genomic information into the mechanisms that power living cells, communities of cells, and whole organisms. The program’s goal is to develop new imaging and measurement technologies to visualize the spatial and temporal relationships of key metabolic processes governing phenotypic expression in plants and microbes. Annual program PI meetings are intended to convene investigators contributing to the program and review progress and the current state-of-the-art in bioimaging research.

Research Summaries by Year

Funding Support

  • 2024 Bioimaging Research and Approaches for the Bioeconomy and the Environment DE-FOA-000-3231 | Corresponding Funding Awards
  • 2022 Quantum-Enabled Bioimaging and Sensing Approaches for Bioenergy DE-FOA-0002603 | Corresponding Funding Awards
  • 2021 Bioimaging Research to Develop Imaging Instrumentation and Approaches DE-FOA-0002393 | Corresponding Funding Awards
  • 2020 DOE Labs Quantum Enabled Bioimaging and Sensing Approaches for Bioenergy
  • 2019 New Bioimaging Approaches For Bioenergy DE-FOA-0002041
  • 2018 Bioimaging Research and Approaches for Bioenergy DE-FOA-0001868

Related Information

Quantum Science Concepts in Enhancing Sensing and Imaging Technologies Workshop

Quantum Science Concepts in Enhancing Sensing and Imaging TechnologiesBER sponsored the National Academy of Sciences workshop, Quantum Science Concepts in Enhancing Sensing and Imaging Technologies: Applications for Biology, held online March 8-10, 2021. The workshop was organized to examine the research and development needs to advance biological applications of quantum technology.

National Quantum Information Science Research Centers

National QIS Research Centers constitute the first large-scale QIS effort that crosses the technical breadth of SC. The aim of the Centers, coupled with DOE’s core research portfolio, is to create and to steward the ecosystem needed to foster and facilitate advancement of QIS, with major anticipated national impact on national security, economic competitiveness, and America’s continued leadership in science. Each Center incorporates a collaborative research team spanning multiple scientific and engineering disciplines and multiple institutions. In addition, each Center seamlessly integrates the science and technology innovation chain to accelerate progress in QIS research and development, to facilitate technology transfer, and to build the quantum workforce of the future.