Progress Toward a Quantum Enhanced X-Ray Microscope
Justin C. Goodrich1* ([email protected]), Ryan Mahon1, Joseph Hanrahan1, Lonny Berman1, Andrei Fluerasu1, Monika Dziubelski1, Raphael A. Abrahao1, Sanjit Karmakar2, Cinzia DaVià2, Andrei Nomerotski3, Sean McSweeney1 (PI)
1Brookhaven National Laboratory; 2Stony Brook University; 3Florida International University
The use of the quantum properties of light offers a new opportunity for imaging, in that the use of quantum correlations of the (two-photon) system allows for image construction with minimal dose requirements. The method primarily consists of generating two photon beams; of these, only one beam interacts with the object being measured. The resulting image and other observable effects are then discerned by examining the spatial correlations between these two beams. This team’s most recent investigations have explored the use of spontaneous parametric down-conversion spontaneous parametric down-conversion of hard X-rays as a source of a biphoton X-ray state strongly correlated in position and energy.
In this work, the group shares the world record rates of generating such correlated X-ray pairs using the high brightness of the National Synchrotron Light Source II and cutting-edge Timepix detector technology. Furthermore, researchers demonstrate a proof-of-concept quantum correlation imaging technique to image several objects, including a biological object—an Elettaria cardamomum seed. This work is a significant milestone in the field of X-ray quantum ghost imaging and provides a pathway to demonstrating the “quantum advantage” in this energy regime.
Quantum X-Ray Correlation Imaging. (A) Nonlinear X-ray diffraction spontaneous parametric down conversion imaging setup: 15 kiloelectron volt (keV) pump X-rays from a synchrotron light source generate spontaneous parametric down-conversion biphotons from a diamond crystal. Tungsten objects shaped like a cat and the letter "F", along with an Elettaria cardamomum seed, are positioned inside the detector ring to block the lower chips; coincidence measurements produce a quantum direct correlation image and a deformed quantum ghost image on the upper chips. (B) Classical reference image of the cardamom seed using scattered 15 keV X-rays. (C) Quantum direct correlation image of the seed on the signal detector, with photon energies from 5 to 9 keV. (D) Quantum ghost correlation image of the seed on the idler detector, adjusted for alignment, showing distortion from non-degeneracy of the X-ray photons. [Courtesy Brookhaven National Laboratory]