Genomic Science Program
U.S. Department of Energy | Office of Science | Biological and Environmental Research Program

Breaking the Biological Barriers to Cellulosic Ethanol: A Joint Research Agenda

A Research Roadmap Resulting from the Biomass to Biofuels Workshop, December 7–9, 2005, Rockville, Maryland

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The Biomass to Biofuels Workshop, held December 7–9, 2005, was convened by the Department of Energy’s Office of Biological and Environmental Research in the Office of Science; and the Office of the Biomass Program in the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. The purpose was to define barriers and challenges to a rapid expansion of cellulosic-ethanol production and determine ways to speed solutions through concerted application of modern biology tools as part of a joint research agenda. Although the focus was ethanol, the science applies to additional fuels that include biodiesel and other bioproducts or coproducts having critical roles in any deployment scheme.

Suggested citation: U.S. DOE. 2006. Breaking the Biological Barriers to Cellulosic Ethanol: A Joint Research Agenda. Report from the December 2005 Workshop, DOE/SC-0095. U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science (


Additional Resources

  • Fact Sheet: A Scientific Roadmap for Making Cellulosic Ethanol A Practical Alternative to Gasoline: PDF
  • Workshop Agenda: PDF
  • Workshop Invitation Letter: PDF